Myari’s Purifiers Combat Company Recap May 2022 – Nethermaze sniper edition
Nethermaze is out in Australia (our country is kind of slow) and we have another Combat Company event. I ran the purifiers this weekend at the local warhammer Underworlds tournament at the Combat Company.

Gimme the Decklist!
Here it is. Image form below:

Notes on a couple of cards
[Chum the Waters]
is absolutely bonkers in this deck. It’s one of the easiest 2 glory scores this deck can make. You have [
Suffocating Mists]
, [
Channel the wind]
and [
Lethal Ward]
to almost guarantee this will be scored. Not to mention [Senaela]
who can put damage from across the board… glory printer goes brrrrrrrrt
[Fighter’s Ferocity]
is not in this deck because the recent Errata has changed [Senaela]
ranged 3 attack to grevious which means it no longer stacks. [
takes it’s place as [Bahannar/Banana]
is now a Brawler and this makes him much harder to kill.
[Perfect Strike]
is in this deck because I am greedy git. That is all.
Myari’s job is just to score [Magical Mark]
and [
Purifying Light]
by sitting at the back and keeping the objective warm. By camping the objective he also tiebreaks games, which came in handy at one point when we ended the game on 10-10 glory.

We had a 7 person turnout this event, a small fun event. I may have traumatized Kent again by running Ambertrap Nest with a longboard deployment, forcing his Vampires through a deadly lethal hex setup. Incase you’re like me and don’t commit all the board names to memory, it’s this deadly setup (Ambertrap Nest is the board with the 2 lethal hexes):

I got some audible complaints when I rolled the boards on the table this way, but don’t let anyone shame you into playing the most arrogant and degenerate elves in the underworlds. Myari’s purifiers is just as happy to play solitaire as they are dishing out pain.
However they are pretty fragile, against many warbands it only takes a single [Great Strength]
(or any other +1 damage card) to boost someone into kill range of your haughty elves.
The final showdown

Justin’s Cursebreakers was the final boss. The game started off with Stormsire smacking Bahanna for 2 damage, then blasting him with a 1 damage gambit spell for the fatality. I thought I was destined to lose this game but [Senaela] kept rolling crits and headshotting the stormcast crew. She wiped the Cursebreakers off the board and secured me 1st place.
The moral of the story is that even if you’re off to a bad start or played badly, a couple of crits is all it takes to come back. Keep rollin’.
Nice article!!
Please make more of this kind of article!!
Just started to play Underworlds for about two months now, really love some analytical articles or VODs to improve my skill!
Thank you!🙏