Skittershank’s Clawpack Cover Image

Unhinged Underworlds | Skittershank Greedy Clawpack, yes-yes.

It’s not uncommon to run a big juicy glory bomb in Warhammer Underworlds. An Objective that you can drop third end phase to push your point score up for the win. But what if you ran two of them? Like the Starblood Serial Killers this is what Clan Eshin, Skittershank’s Clawpack will do too.

What the deck

Link to decklist here.

What’s the gameplan?

The gameplan is straightforward. Kill their leader, even if it costs you every single fighter in your warband. Then you score [whu card type image iconCollateral Damage]Collateral Damage card image - hover and [whu card type image iconPure Carnage]Pure Carnage card image - hover for a massive 6 glory swing.

Keep in mind that [whu card type image iconCollateral Damage]Collateral Damage card image - hover does not need to be scored in the third endphase, and the requirement for four or more out of action fighters includes the enemy leader (ie if their leader is out + 3 other fighters are out on any side, then you can score it).

The rest of the objectives are to feed you glory as you attack your opponent. [whu card type image iconBranching Fate]Branching Fate card image - hover, [whu card type image iconContest of Equals]Contest of Equals card image - hover, [whu card type image iconReckless swing]Reckless swing card image - hover and [whu card type image iconEverything to Prove]Everything to Prove card image - hover can be scored even if you fail your attack actions.

You will not be playing to control any objective hexes at all, so [whu card type image iconWasteland]Wasteland card image - hover is an easy score. Ideally during setup you want to place an objective in no-man’s land, and one in your territory that is difficult to reach. That way, your opponent does not have an easy way to flip your objectives and guarantees a [whu card type image iconWasteland]Wasteland card image - hover score. [whu card type image iconUnsurprising Fate]Unsurprising Fate card image - hover rewards you when your opponents pick off your minions. [whu card type image iconChum the waters]Chum the waters card image - hover is an easy 2 glory that you can score by driving back an enemy fighter into a feature hex or using [whu card type image iconSuffocating Mists]Suffocating Mists card image - hover.

Lets see this in action

There’s game here on Tabletop Sydney where I face off against Keeva’s Exiled dead. We misplay some of the Exiled dead’s rules regarding their ability to hold objectives, but this is still a good showcase on how deadly this warband is and how much glory they can score once they take out the enemy leader.

Explain your card choices!!

The goal here is to eliminate the enemy leader. Of course if you can eliminate other fighters along the way, that’s great too, but don’t take your eyes off the prize. Every other card in this deck is to help you achieve your primary goal. With 5 base movement, you can get your fighters in where they need to be most of the time.

[whu card type image iconMisplaced Optimism]Misplaced Optimism card image - hover is an amazing card to have in your opening hand. It drags their enemy leader out of position. You can use it to drag them away from their friends, off their cover hex or right next to all your rats for extra supports on your dice rolls.

[whu card type image iconClosing for the Kill]Closing for the Kill card image - hover is [whu card type image iconSidestep]Sidestep card image - hover for two fighters. Sidestep is already good, double sidestep is even better!

[whu card type image iconWay of the Iron Paw]Way of the Iron Paw card image - hover and [whu card type image iconSkittering Blur]Skittering Blur card image - hover serve the same purpose. They keep [Padpaw]skittershanks-clawpack-2 card image - hover and [Skittershank]skittershanks-clawpack-1 card image - hover alive after you dive them deep into enemy territory.

Mentioned earlier [whu card type image iconSuffocating Mists]Suffocating Mists card image - hover helps score [whu card type image iconChum the waters]Chum the waters card image - hover but can also be used to finish off enemy fighters. [whu card type image iconWhetted Blades]Whetted Blades card image - hover gives you cleave / reroll and grevious, giving you another shot to score [whu card type image iconKiller Supreme]Killer Supreme card image - hover.

[whu card type image iconDark Determination]Dark Determination card image - hover makes everyone on your team into an Assassin as well as giving you extra dice when targeting their leader. Perfect card for this warband.

[whu card type image iconMighty Swing]Mighty Swing card image - hover is to help break lines should your opponent decide to hide their leader and [whu card type image iconCentre of Attention]Centre of Attention card image - hover is useful for moving fighters around. I’d experiment to see which ones work for you, as you can run [whu card type image iconMirror Move]Mirror Move card image - hover instead or switch it out for any other offensive card such as [whu card type image iconDetermined Effort]Determined Effort card image - hover.

[whu card type image iconFinal Gambit]Final Gambit card image - hover is for the crazy players. The sensible human part of me wants to switch it out for more push cards or extra dice, but there is an allure to possibly getting a free out of sequence charge action (or killing off your own fighters to add to the body count). If you’re not crazy enough to run this card, simply switch it out for another offensive card like [whu card type image iconFerocious Blow]Ferocious Blow card image - hover or [whu card type image iconKing of the deeps]King of the deeps card image - hover

[whu card type image iconRedirected Attack]Redirected Attack card image - hover is not played here. We don’t need to protect our assasins because we will make our minions just as dangerous with a few upgrades.


The upgrades here are focused on two things: making our minions dangerous and making our assasins more dangerous.

[whu card type image iconPhantom Fists]Phantom Fists card image - hover and [whu card type image iconSilent Sword]Silent Sword card image - hover are to help make your minions more lethal. I would consider adding in [whu card type image iconSoultooth Dagger]Soultooth Dagger card image - hover and switching out [whu card type image iconAbyssal Summoner]Abyssal Summoner card image - hover if you wanted to make sure your little rats can punch above their weight.

[whu card type image iconFerocious Bite]Ferocious Bite card image - hover is free dice. If you switched out [whu card type image iconUnderdog]Underdog card image - hover for another end phase objective and freed a restricted slot, I would immediately slide in [whu card type image iconBerserker Rage]Berserker Rage card image - hover and take out one of the defensive upgrades.

The rest of the upgrades are fairly straightforward. Extra damage is important to keep the body counts high. [whu card type image iconSupernatural Agility]Supernatural Agility card image - hover and [whu card type image iconDarkening Stone]Darkening Stone card image - hover are to keep your fighters alive a bit longer, but if I was to switch out cards they would be the first to go. If players are running higher wound characters in your meta, I would suggest adding in [whu card type image iconSavage Strength]Savage Strength card image - hover to raise your lethality even further.

Clan Eshin yes-yes

Mulligans / Do overs?

The answer is you don’t unless [whu card type image iconCollateral Damage]Collateral Damage card image - hover or [whu card type image iconPure Carnage]Pure Carnage card image - hover is in your opening hand. You don’t wanna risk drawing into them using a mulligan.

Remember treat your fighters like disposable tissues! They are all expendable in your mission to take out the enemy leader. Kill-kill for Clan Eshin!

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